Common myths
(Chinese translation by Xavier Chua; the English version has since been updated with additional text that may be missing from the Chinese version)
该研究的主要作者塞西莉亚•德涅(Cecelia Dhejne)谴责了人们对其作品的普遍误解。她说,她大力支持跨性别者过渡,并引用了众多过渡给予跨性别人福利的资料。
当我们直接测量跨性别人群自身内部过渡的影响时,发现过渡是抵抗自杀的主要保护因素。 (为强调起见,添加了粗体):
- Murad等,2010:“……治疗后自杀未遂率显着下降。平均减少量从治疗前的30%降至治疗后的8%。 …对28项研究的荟萃分析显示,有78%的跨性别者经过治疗后心理功能得到改善。”
- De Cuypere等,2006年:在1986年至2001年间接受治疗的荷兰患者中,自杀未遂率从29.3%大幅度下降至5.1%。
- 英国研究:“过渡后,自杀念头和实际尝试次数减少了,有63%的人在过渡前更多地考虑或尝试自杀,而只有3%的人在过渡后更多地考虑或尝试自杀。有7%的人发现过渡期间时考虑或尝试自杀,这意味着要给予经历这些过程的人支持(N = 316)。”
- Kuiper,1988年:Ryan Gorton博士:“在对141名跨性别患者的横断面研究中,Kuiper和Cohen-Kittenis发现,经过医学干预和治疗,跨性别男人的自杀率从19%下降到零,而在跨性别女人当中,自杀率从24%下降到6%。)…在整个LGBT群众中,自杀驱动因素中有很大部分是少数民族所受的压力。”
- Ainsworth&Spiegel,2010年:发现接受过相关手术的变性女性的心理健康得分与一般女性相当,而那些无法获得医疗服务的女性在心理健康方面的得分要低得多。
- Asscheman,2014年:跨性别女性的抑郁症从24.9%降低到2.4%,而跨性别男性的抑郁症从13.6%降低到1.4%。
- Heylans等人,2014年:荷尔蒙治疗开始后,观察到的困扰,焦虑和压力量度下降最为明显,其后的得分与普通人群相似。
- Colizzi等人,2013年:注册时,受试者的CAR水平(皮质醇唤醒反应–压力的生理指标)高度升高,并且感知的压力水平更高。激素治疗开始的一年后,CAR水平和感知的压力报告均降至正常范围以内。
- Gomez-Gil等人,2012年:与未进行跨性别激素治疗的患者相比,未经治疗的患者的抑郁和焦虑得分显着更高;未经治疗的患者中焦虑和抑郁症状的比例明显高于接受治疗的患者(分别为61%比33%和31%比8%)。”
- 美国医学学生协会(American Medical Student Association),2010年:对所有可用研究的荟萃审查发现,接受性别重置手术的总体遗憾率<1%。
- Dhejne,2014年:在瑞典从1960年至2010年过渡的767名跨性别者中,进行性别重置手术的总体遗憾率是2.2%。随着医疗技术的改善(导致更少的并发症)及社会认可度的提升,多年来该数字稳步下降。作者还指出,有些后悔案例是由于患者感到被迫接受不必要的手术以能够改变其合法性别,而其后悔动手术的人并不一定后悔过渡。
- de Cuypere,2006年:1986年至2001年在比利时接受性别重置手术的107名跨性别者中,他们发现没有人感到遗憾。
- Michel,2002年:在法国的跨性别者中,性别重置手术的遗憾率不到1%。
- Smith,2005年:一项针对162位接受性别重置手术的跨性别者的研究有2位患者表示遗憾(1.2%)。两位都是跨性别女性,她们并没被男人吸引,患有心理健康问题,并且有较低的身体满意度,这阻碍了她们融入社会的能力。
- 无法应对因过渡而遭受的家人,朋友和社会的虐待;遭受无家可归,贫穷,失业,殴打,孤独感,尤其是在发展浪漫关系上的困难
- 关于性别的政治或宗教观点有所改变,尤其是关于跨性别者的身份是否有应用性或是道德上的问题,以及过渡
- 误诊,由于精神疾病混淆了结果,或者是由于不符合性别角色被误认为跨性别身份的一个情况
- 意识到自己的性别不安是由于过去的创伤(尤其是性虐待或对此类行为的恐惧)或内在的厌女症,而不是真正认同或渴望成为另一种性别;在某些情况下,创伤咨询解决了烦躁不安
- 内在的跨性别恐惧症(例如“我永远不会成为真正的女人”),认为过着对于自己的身体焦虑不安的生活反而比较诚实
- 将不愿作为自己生理性别的欲望误认为自己是异性
- 意识到他们实际上是性别酷儿的,并且/或者对于拥有典型的异性的身体感到不舒服
- 感到迫于压力要过渡或采取他们不希望的过渡步骤,尤其是手术。有些人从一开始就不希望进性别重置手术(可能是由于成本,对当前技术的不满,对生殖器并不感到焦虑或烦躁,希望保留生育能力等原因),但医生给予压力,性别观念理想或浪漫/性伴侣,或改变合法性别的需求(目前在新加坡就是这种情况)
- 由于想要自己的亲生子女而对于失去生育能力那方面感到悲伤
- 手术结果差或不令人满意(随着技术的不断进步,这种情况变得越来越不普遍; MTF生殖器手术并发症的风险现在降至1%)
- 外表无法像顺性人一样,从而导致生活质量下降和对自身安全的担忧
在被误诊的病例中,最引人注目的是沃尔特•海耶尔(Walt Heyer),他因儿童时期的创伤而遭受未确诊的分离性身份障碍。他的多重性格中有一位是女人。他被错误地诊断为跨性别者,于是医生鼓励他去做他实际上不想要的变性手术。他接受了手术,但觉得手术极具创伤性。他起诉治疗他的医生有不当行为,并坚信因为他自身的情况进行过渡手术是错误的,所以不应允许任何跨性别者过渡。现在,他积极倡导反对过渡,一再将自己定位为遗憾的榜样,尽管他本生不是一个典型的跨性别者。
另一个著名的案例是富有的地产大亨山姆•哈希米(Sam Hashimi)的故事,他与妻子分手后精神崩溃。在随后的中年危机中,他觉得由于女性过上更轻松的生活,他想成为一名女性。他的财富和人脉使他避开了许多通常阻碍人们过渡的枷锁,获得了自己想要的东西,却发现自己对激素疗法的反应很差,并且在女性生活中变得越来越沮丧和烦躁。因此,他去性别转换沦为男性。他的故事也远非跨性别人们的代表,他们出于想表达自身的性别所感到认同感而过渡,过渡后的烦躁和不安等感觉多数会下降。
Here are some of the common myths surrounding transgender people.
Due to overlaps in content, some are instead covered on our general FAQ page as well as our FAQ for Parents. The Chinese translations may also not match exactly, as the English text has been updated since then.
Myth: Transitioning makes people suicidal
41% of transgender people in the US attempted suicide in their lifetime, compared to the national average of 1.6%. However, transitioning significantly reduces this risk. It does not cause it.
Trans people have a high risk of suicide due to the combination of gender dysphoria and experiencing discrimination and abuse. Many get disowned, fired from jobs and made homeless, resulting in poverty, elevated risk of mental illness and drug abuse, all of which are strongly correlated with suicide risk. In the above linked survey, some factors led to greater risk: losing a job due to bias (55%), harassment and bullying in school (51%), physical assault (61%) and sexual assault (64%).
Supportive family and access to transition make a big difference. In a 2012 study of 433 transgender youth, those with supportive parents reported only a 4% attempted suicide rate, vs. 57% for those whose parents rejected them. Trans youths in supportive environments who were able to medically transition at puberty were found to score similar or better on measures of mental well-being compared to their non-trans peers.
One source of the myth that transitioning causes suicide is a 2011 Swedish study. It found that trans women who had undergone sex reassignment surgery (SRS) before 1989 had a suicide rate 20 times that of the general population. (Trans men had no elevated risk.)
However, this did not consider trans women who had not undergone SRS. The study clarifies: ”The results should not be interpreted such as sex reassignment per se increases morbidity and mortality. Things might have been even worse without sex reassignment.” Notably, trans people who had SRS after 1989 had similar suicide rates as the rest of the population. They attributed this to greater social support and acceptance.
The study’s lead author, Cecelia Dhejne, denounced the misinterpretation of her work and strongly supports transition for trans people.
Another misinterpreted study is a 2014 report by the Williams Institute which found that trans people who medically transitioned had a higher lifetime suicide attempt rate than those who had no desire to pursue medical transition.
However, these were lifetime attempts. It is expected that those who medically transitioned would have had more severe gender dysphoria than those who saw no need to, and thus would have had a higher suicide risk to begin with. The same study found that trans people who wanted but had yet to pursue medical transition had the highest lifetime suicide attempt rates of the three groups.
When we measure the effects of transition within the transgender population itself, transition is found to be a major protective factor against suicide, and the most effective way to lower this risk.
Myth: Transitioning doesn’t treat the root of the problem and worsens mental health
The opposite is true. The longer gender dysphoria goes untreated, the more likely the person is to develop other mental health issues with time.
Cornell University produced a meta review of all 52 peer-reviewed studies published between 1991 and June 2017 concerning the effects of transition on the well-being of transgender people. They found that 93% of studies showed that transition was beneficial, with the remaining 7% being inconclusive.
This 2021 meta review evaluated studies up to 2020 concerning the effects of hormone therapy specifically. It found associations with increased quality of life, decreased depression and decreased anxiety across gender identity and age groups. Similarly, this 2023 review of 46 studies found that gender-affirming HRT consistently reduced depressive symptoms and psychological distress. Both studies accounted for potential bias in the included studies.
Myth: Transgender people transition out of internalised homophobia.
While hostile social attitudes towards gay people lead many of them to repress their attractions or develop feelings of self-hatred, it is unlikely that this would push them towards transitioning – because society tends to be even more hostile towards transgender people. Studies consistently show significantly greater family and social acceptance of gays and lesbians compared to transgender people.
This would also not account for the many transgender people who become seen as gay or lesbian after transition. Statistically, about two-thirds of trans people are non-heterosexual in their post-transition identities, with roughly a third each identifying as heterosexual, homosexual and bisexual or queer.
If people originally perceived as feminine straight women are transitioning to live as feminine gay men, it’s thus difficult to argue that homophobia is pressuring feminine gay men to transition to supposedly easier lives as feminine straight women, and vice versa for lesbians.
Myth: Most people regret transitioning / surgery
Transition regret rates are extremely low, especially for surgeries where regret is consistently under 1%. Many people have the opposite impression due to excessive media coverage of people who regret transitioning. You can refer to this page for more information.
Myth: Transgender men transition to escape sexism and/or gain male privilege
Even before transition, transgender men already have some male privilege by virtue of having male gender identities and looking at the world from that perspective, although this is tempered both by transphobia and when not perceived by others as men.
In transitioning and giving up the ability to pass as cis women, transgender men also lose cis-passing privilege (and in some cases straight privilege). They additionally become subject to transphobia, which often puts them in a worse social position than before.
Even if it’s considered morally better for trans men to not transition and suffer in solidarity with women, it would be a double standard if we don’t then expect cisgender men to transition to female to do the same. That would in fact be the more logical choice if the goal is indeed to reduce cumulative male privilege, which cis men have the most of and benefit the most from. Meanwhile, nothing less than full support of trans women would make sense, which thus makes it inconsistent that those who subscribe to this view are also often against trans women transitioning.
Lastly, if women were indeed transitioning just to escape misogyny and sex-related trauma, it says a lot more about society’s treatment of women that it would drive them to those extremes. The focus should then be on fixing society, not on further victimising those who are merely trying to escape; that would be addressing the symptoms of a problem, not the root.
The best course of action would thus be to work to make society better for women and see if this reduces the number of trans men. Whereas if trans men are distressed at being female, sometimes to the point of suicide, but find that they can live happy, fulfilling lives as men who would be much better placed to work alongside women for equality, it would be both cruel and counterproductive to deny them transition and insist they suffer instead. It would also position womanhood as something to be meted out as punishment and manhood as freedom that is gifted solely to those born with it. Political ideologies should not be enforced at the cost of human lives, especially when doing so results in no conceivable good.
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